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Monday, March 23, 2015

Miss New Mexico World 2015

Happy Monday!!! I have some VERY exciting news to share with you all!  I typically don't use my blog to write about personal matters however, I wanted to share all the details of my big announcement and figured it would be easier to do so in one place. 

So, without further ado... 

I am going to be competing in Miss New Mexico United States/World America system as your Miss Duke City, THIS Sunday, March 29th 2015!!! 

The pageant will be held at Sandia Casino on Sunday afternoon.  The event starts at 3:00pm, doors will open at 2:30pm.  If you don't have any plans this weekend, I would absolutely love to see some of your beautiful faces!  Tickets will be sold at Sandia Casino, at the ticketing center on the day of the event OR you can purchase your tickets ahead of time on ticketmaster... Click below for a direct link to purchase tickets!

There is currently online voting going on for 'The People's Choice Award' 
Each vote is $1.00 and the winner receives $150.00 cash award.  If I am lucky enough to win this award, I will be donating the money to a charity that is near and dear to my heart, Special Spaces of Albuquerque.  We create dream bedrooms for children with life-threating illnesses.
Voting ends Thursday!
Click Here to vote me for Peoples Choice! Online Voting

It has been my dream to represent of the state of New Mexico and I was ecstatic to have an opportunity to do so.   When I first heard about what the Miss United States/ World America system stood for, I immediately knew that this was something I had to be a part of.  The message behind this system is Beauty with a Purpose and using our city, state, and national titles as a platform to interact with and positively influence the community.  So much of what 'Sparkling From The Inside Out' is dedicated to, correlates with the intention of this pageant system which is why I am so thrilled for this opportunity! 

Pageants are so much more than glitz and glam.  I get goosebumps every time I watch the video below!  It is an absolute honor to be part of such an empowering, inspiring, and intellectual system! I hope that you will take the time to watch this short clip! 

So far, I have been having an unbelievable experience as Miss Duke City United States! I was crowned at our "Girls Night Out" event where all of the delegates met at Salon Jerome before going to Tuscanos Brazilian Grill for dinner which was followed by a night on the town at Posh Nightclub.   Our directors, Dacia and Stephanie have been INCREDIBLE, putting together workshops, camps, info sessions, as well as meet and greets for all of us delegates! 

I have also been able to do some appearances as Miss Duke City United States all of which have been an absolute BLAST! 

At Camino Retirement Center passing out treats and hanging out during bingo! 

Needless to say, this weekend couldn't come any sooner!  I can't wait for the big event this Sunday at Sandia Casino and I am excited to spend the weekend with all the girls! 

We are having a media day on Friday to promote the event (so cool!!!)  I will be on KRQE news Friday morning, airing after 6:30am.  Other delegates will be on KASA, 94 Rock radio station, and KASA 2 NM Style! 

Words cannot express how thankful I am to those of you who have continued to support me throughout each of my endeavors.  You all are my inspiration and motivation! 
So much love goes out to each and everyone of you! 

Miss Duke City United States 
Ashley Mora