Happy Thursday Everyone!
Here is a picture of mine..
Link for the JACK
LALANNE JUICERhttp://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/jack-lalanne-power-juicer-express/126472?device=c&network=g&matchtype=&mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_kitchenelectrics_&gclid=CKDAqb3d8bsCFbQWMgod1kwAow
There is huge difference between Juicing and Blending. The first difference being the taste... Blending fruits and veggies tends to be extremely thick in texture and in my opinion (in comparison to juicing) the taste of a "Smoothie" is dull. When you are juicing fruits and vegetables you are extracting the juice from the natural ingredients producing a rich flavor. When you are blending, you are using the entire fruit and/or veggie. Juicing requires very minimal digestion and although I am no health expert... I know that giving my digestive system a break is something my body desperately needed! I have digestive problems... just breaking down the peel of an apple is hard on my stomach which is why juicing is better for me than blending. Smoothies are very high in fiber which is an amazing health benefit however for me, high fiber meals cause me to bloat, can cause gas, and gives me really bad stomach aches... mostly because I have digestive issues. For most people incorporating high fiber smoothies into your everyday diet is something that would be extremely beneficial. Also, prior to my lifestyle change I did not eat anywhere close to the amount of vegetables and fruits that are recommended daily. I probably did not even consume half of that amount. Juicing provides me away to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables.
Would you eat all of this in one sitting?... Or even one day? I know I wouldn't!
Like I said earlier, I am no health expert. I am just simply sharing what worked for me. After trying just about every diet out there (Seriously... Every single diet) I finally found something that worked for me, something I love, something I feel is easy to maintain, and most importantly something that makes me feel so great on the inside. I started off drinking one fresh juice a day and then slowly started to add more juices into my diet. After I went on a vacation I felt so gross from all of the poor food choices I had made and decided to try a cleanse. I juiced for 3 days and felt SO GREAT. I started doing more research on what was safe and then I started incorporating more juicing into my everyday diet. I also watched the "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" Documentary and was so inspired by Joe to continue my juicing cleanse. I have found that for me personally it is important that I juice for breakfast and dinner. My biggest meal has to be lunch, that's just the way my body works.
Is the juice to lose weight? My answer to that is NO... Juicing should be used first and foremost to live a healthier lifestyle. If you hate cucumbers and never eat them, juicing provides a way to mask that taste with other delicious fruits and veggies. When juicing you are able to eat fruits and vegetables you would never want to eat or maybe even try. As humans, we were intended to eat the natural foods we are naturally provided! Unfortunately, we live in time where all natural foods are almost a thing of the past. We should be eating "Clean" 98% of the time and occasionally enjoying a precooked meal out instead of the other way around. Even the juices they sell at most health food stores are loaded with preservatives. It's so important to be careful when grocery shopping! The best way to ensure all natural and fresh ingredients is to make your own juice ;)
What I typically do when preparing for the week is make a ton of juices on SUNDAY and then again on WEDNESDAY (I prepare two days a week so that the juices stay fresh) I make enough for three juices a day (Breakfast, Morning or Afternoon Snack, and Dinner) and I keep them in Mason Jars. (Picture Above)
Today's recipe is SO DELICIOUS! It taste like liquid candy... this is a good juice to start off with because its sweet.
- 2 Green Apples
- 1/2 Pineapple
- Mint Leaves
- Lemon
- Kale (Optional) I like to add Kale so there's some green in there :)
Ashley Mora
For Daily Tips and Recipes follow me on:
Instagram: ashleynicolemora1
Twitter: MissAshleyMoora