Thursday, January 22, 2015

Juicers I Recommend

Here is a short list of juicers that I recommend.  There are several other juicers on the market that most likely work just fine.  This list that I am sharing with you all are juicers that I have either used personally, or someone close to me has used and I know it works.  I also listed juicers that are reasonably priced.  There are definitely juicers on the market which are more expensive that are probably fantastic!  Again, this is just a small list of juicers that I know get the job done. 

The biggest thing to look out for when purchasing a juicer is that you are buying a JUICE EXTRACTOR and not a BLENDER.  

The Breville Juice Fountain Mulit-Speed $199.99 at Bed Bath and Beyond (make sure and use the 20% off coupon)

This is the one that I have used for over a year! 

The Jack Lalane $99.00 at Bed Bath and Beyond (make sure and use the 20% off coupon)

The Black and Decker $29.99 at Wal-Mart 

***Just a heads up with this juicer... the mouth (where you enter the fruit/veggies) is VERY SMALL.  You have to cut your fruit into very tiny pieces in order to get everything through.  I warn you about this only because juicing is a process and the more cutting you have to do, the longer it is going to take.  I only recommend this juicer because of the price ... not because of the efficiency.  If you decide to go with this juicer, please keep in mind that juicing would be WAY easier with another juicer that has a wider mouth! 

*** All of these juicers can also be found on amazon and craigslist! 

BLENDING: Everyone always asks me about the Nutribullet, Vitamix, and the Ninja.  Both the Nutribullet and the Ninja are smoothie makers.  What goes into them is exactly what comes out. There is no extracting involved. The main difference between a blender and juicer is the final product.  The texture and taste of a juice and smoothie are completely different. I've tried the same recipe in both a blender and a juicer and they tasted completely different. With a smoothie you are going to be getting more fiber because all of the pulp is left in the drink. 

Majority of the recipes on my blog are designed for juicers not blenders.  If you try to duplicate a recipe in your blender, it will most likely overflow! You will need to cut the ingredients WAY down in a blender and the taste for my recipes will be completely different as a smoothie because they were intended to be made as juices. 

JUICING: The sole purpose of a juicer is to extract the water and nutrients from fruits and vegetables. The produce will be fed through a strainer, which extracts all the liquid nutrients, and vitamins. Once the juicing process is done, you’re left with a liquid version of all your fruits and veggies, making it a lot easier to get your daily dose of nutrients. (Plus, it’s a lot easier to down a quick glass of veggies rather than trying to sit down and eat an entire plate full of vegetables!)  Juicing fruits and veggies provides us with a hefty dose of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that immediately nourishes our cells.  When you are juicing your final product should be 100% liquid with no pulp. 

I hope this clears up some of your questions.  I personally JUICED in order to lose the 40 pounds I lost, which is why I am so passionate about juicing.  There are benefits to both juicing and blending.  Like anything in life, balance is key! A good balance between juicing and blending will be life changing! 

Thank you for reading & keep sparkling!

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