Monday, September 21, 2015

"Eat This, Not That" (part 2)

There are so many healthy alternatives out there today and I'm so excited to share some more of them with you all!   Many of these items are now staples in my diet.  I didn’t make all of these changes overnight… it took time, but it has been rewarding both physically and mentally.  I feel better, I’ve been able to maintain my weight loss and I attribute so much of that to making the changes below. Along with lots of juicing of course :)  Here is my special edition of “Eat This, Not That"  (part 2) 

If you are interested in part 1, click HERE.

Squash vs. Pasta 

Spaghetti squash is an excellent alternative to pasta.  Squash has 179 less calories and 33 less carbs... sounds like a win win!  It tastes great and you can take any pasta recipe and sub the heavy pasta for a light spaghetti squash meal thats guilt- free! 

Other Pasta Alternatives:  Brown Rice Pasta & Quinoa

Calories: 42
Carbs: 10g
Fiber: 2.2g 

Calories: 221
Carbs: 43 g 
Fiber: 2.5 

Coconut Nectar vs. Syrup 

My go-to sweetener is coconut nectar.  A good rule of thumb when using these products is the less ingredients on the label... the better!  I use coconut nectar to cook/bake with, put a tablespoon in my coffee or oatmeal, on pancakes or waffles, and use to it to bind homemade granola bars!   Anything that requires a little sugar!  
Coconut Nectar has a low glycemic index, is a superfood, is raw, contains 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C and B.  

Other healthy alternatives: Agave Nectar, Date Syrup, REAL maple syrup, Yacon Syrup, Molasses, and Organic Honey.  

Almond Flour vs. White/Wheat Flour 

Almond flour is a great alternative to white or wheat flour.  Almond flour is excellent for low carb cooking and baking and it's gluten free.  Almond flour is loaded with energy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.   If you are allergic to almond, try coconut flour! 

Sparkling Water vs.  Soda 

I use to be a diet coke freak.  Cutting out diet coke was and still is a struggle for me.  Sparkling water is great alternative to soda.  You get the bubbly-carbonated feel without all of the chemicals and calories in soda.  Even if you're drinking "calorie-free" sodas, try swapping them out with sparkling water.  The calorie free sodas are still loaded with harmful chemicals.  Not to mention, they make you bloat! 

Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips vs. Chocolate Chips 

I LOVE chocolate, but I love guilt-free chocolate even more!  Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips are AMAZING!  These amazing little chocolate chips are Non-GMO, certified gluten-free, & certified vegan.  You can find them at Sprouts and Whole Foods! 

They are free from: 
Tree Nut 

Most chocolate chips are loaded with artificial flavors and coloring, GMO's, milk, sugar, and soy! Just check the back of the labels. 

Please keep in mind that these are simply my personal suggestions formed from my own experiences with my weight loss journey.  Making these small changes worked for me.  I have been able to maintain the 40 lbs that I lost by sticking to these changes I made in my diet.  I was always a big yo-yo dieter... I would try something for a few months and then revert back to my old eat habits.  This is why it was so important for me to find healthy alternatives that I could use for the rest of my life! 

Always keep striving to become the best version of yourself and make the most out of the last few months we have left this year! 
