"Keep Your Goals In Front Of You"
In order to accomplish any goal, it's vital that we constantly remind ourselves why we started in the first place, especially when trying to lose weight. It's no surprise that losing weight can be difficult. We can become tempted, tired, or hit a plateu at any given moment.
In most cases, we are on our cell phones 24/7 whether it be texting, emailing, surfing the web etc. What we are constantly looking at and listening to affects us more than we can possibly imagine! It becomes a part of who we are, it starts to define us. This is why I think it is so important to keep a few apps on your phone that can not only assist you in your weight loss journey, but apps that will also keep you on track and motivated.
1. My Fitness Pal- Free
This app is both iPhone & Android friendly. This is one of the most useful apps you can use! From the beginning it takes your weight, height, goal weight, and lifestyle and then gives you recommendations. This app completely takes the "guessing game" out of eating and eating out. Not to mention.. its VERY simple to use. You can scan the barcode on all the food items you eat throughout the day instead of having to enter and search for what you are eating. It also has a plethora of restaurant menu items making it easy to track what you are eating when dining out (it even has local restaurants!) My fitness pal also tracks carbs, fats, sodium & cholesterol so you are aware of exactly what you are putting into your body. There is so much more that this app does.. I could go on and on, however if there is one app that you decide to download, it should definitely be this one.
2. Map My Walk/ Map My Run- Free
These two apps track just about everything when it comes to walking and running. They track route, pace, calories burned and distance. It's simple to use and has several tools to keep you motivated throughout your workout. Map My Run and Map My Walk feature voice prompts that give you updates throughout your workout but don't worry, the voice comes on in the background so you can still listen to your favorite workout playlist!
3. My Model- Free
This is just a fun app. You enter in your height, weight, goal weight, skin tone, face, hair, body shape and outfit. This app creates an image of what you look like now, and what you will look like when you reach your goal weight. It also give you the option to track your weight loss so it will show model like figures as you get closer and closer to reaching your goal! Like I said earlier, keeping your goals in front of you is powerful!
4. 7 Minute Fitness- Free
The challenge is to do 7 minutes a day for 7 months. This app gives you 7 minute workouts that require zero workout equipment. Sounds easy right? This app was designed to provide the maximum benefit of working out regularly in the shortest time possible. The workouts include a variety of cardio, fat burning, strengthening, and stretching routines. You can also upgrade later on to an app that costs a few dollars and provides more workouts but it's not nessecary.
5. Juicing- Free
I like this app because it's free and offers thousands of juice recipes. You can hit one button 'Add Ingredients To Cart' and it provides you with a grocery list. It also shows the calories in each recipe and offers anywhere from a 1 day cleanse to a 30 day cleanse. You can set reminders on this app and it will notify you of when you need to drink your next juice!
6. Bible Encouragement- Free
Love this app! It provides encouraging Bible verses to accommodate you through the roller coaster ride of weight loss. It's easy to use and it's so satisfying to tell God exactly how you are feeling. There are over 35 different emotions to chose from, all of which provide Bible verses and a quote that correlate with what you are feeling.
7. Daily Fitness Motivation
This app shows motivational images and allows you to set reminders with motivational affirmations and images. The affirmations and quotes will always put you in a positive mindset!
8. Songza -Free
Have you ever gone to a workout, spin class, yoga, or aerobics class and LOVED the music? This is the only place I have been able to find similar pump up playlists and the REAL artists are singing (not a knock off version of a song, a lot of the remixes online sound like kids bop) You can choose playlists based on your activity or your mood. My favorite playlists are Massive Pop Hits: The Remixes and 00s Club Bangers ;)
I hope you enjoy some of, if not all of these apps! I use most of them daily and I absolutely love them. Don't lose sight of your vision and your goals. Set those daily reminders to trigger your motivation and most importantly, remember why you started! Weight loss is a journey and all you can do is take it one step at a time :) You can do it!
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Twitter: MissAshleyMoora